Quest thingy is getting personal...

Discussion in 'Help' started by barelyfloating, Mar 20, 2014.

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  1. barelyfloating

    barelyfloating Forum Apprentice

    Game = seafight Server UK

    How come I can't use the Alexandros NPC for event quests?
    I've tried 3 different PC's with different browsers IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome... cleared all caches both browser and Flash.

    I even tried downgrading flash....

    Other players told me they could access event quests.... so obviously i take it's something personal.... User ID: 39/35238843

    When will it be fixed?

    Thank U.

    Yours truly 35238843
  2. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    Hi there, have you completed the quests before? or have you not been able to at all?
    I did them all on the first day. supoosed to be able to do them once a day haven't been able to since-.-

    PS check your running quests, if you have one running you made the same mistake i did..
    tried 3 browsers/cleared cache/wrote on forums/went to support tried every map alexandro clicked for about 30mins etc.. had a quest running ;)
  3. barelyfloating

    barelyfloating Forum Apprentice

    I've got no running quest... and just to be clear I'm not referring to the kill serena quest that somehow, all of a sudden became available...
    I'm talking about Event Quests... that r supposed to pop up when u double-click Alexandros.... there's nothing popping up or under event quest lists if I open Quests and select Event.... there i find a lvl 14 quest and i already am lvl 20...

    and another thing I don't like Typhoon shooting me while I'm in the noshoot circle! and it's happening a lot l8tly!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    After the recent restart have you been able to access the quests?
  5. TheReelDeal

    TheReelDeal Padavan

    I completed the 2nd event quest, and now Alexsandro won't acknowledge that it is complete. The status shows 4/5 chests opened, but the redeem rewards button will not turn green. Can't move onto any more quests. Very frustrating.
  6. TheReelDeal

    TheReelDeal Padavan

    I meant to write 4/4 in the completed task menu
  7. barelyfloating

    barelyfloating Forum Apprentice

    a short answer> No, I've just tried...
  8. barelyfloating

    barelyfloating Forum Apprentice

    this is a few min ago>
    still nothing....
    this is frustrating and BP ain't taking any steps to fix it or so it seems
    cʟαш likes this.
  9. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I know it feels like nothing is being done, but the team are working to find out why this is happening and trying to fix the issue.

    I am sorry I don't have any better news for you at this time.

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