Seafights Birthday

Discussion in 'Help' started by sophie♪, Mar 22, 2014.

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  1. sophie♪

    sophie♪ Regular

    I purchased 170 keys early this morning for £12 for the chests but I can't log onto the game. I was suppose to use them fairly quickly because I'm going somewhere tomorrow afternoon so wont get a chance to use them again. I was planning on spending a bit of time this morning using some and should have more or less have used the rest of them by tomorrow afternoon. However I can't log onto the stupid game. I know it's my fault for purchasing them without being able to use them until the end of the event but I didn't know you would screw up the servers.

    My question is will the event be extended by a day or so? or are you going to fix this issue within the next hour or something?
  2. [AM§]*Wølƒ*

    [AM§]*Wølƒ* Forum Overlooker

    With BP we can never tell. Those keys will be exchanged 1:1 for regular keys so you won't lose it. I agree though that BP should do a better job of syncing events and updates in the future.
  3. sophie♪

    sophie♪ Regular

    I seemed to get better rewards with the original chests anyway
  4. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    sophie, Wolf is correct in his description of the exchange. Thank you Wolf.
    As for log on issues, several players have noted that clearing of caches enables logging on when they encounter that problem. Several other threads with that subject have been answered.

    As the issues seemed to have been answered this thread is ~Closed~
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