dumb fools

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~Phoros~, Mar 29, 2014.

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  1. ~Phoros~

    ~Phoros~ Forum Apprentice

    how about spelling the creatures name right, im looking for an imaginary ship because bigpoint cant spell, lol. quest event does not match your inane attempt at spelling
  2. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    If your levek 6 and above you need to sink the 'achelousus' this is in 6maps + there is also the achelous which sails on 2-15 this gives 15 cursed while the acheloususus gives 12 cursed 2 rad
    same if your lebel 16+ there is thesos (all maps except 1s) and theosus 16maps +

    hope this helps
    also go on to the event tab and it will tell you the 7 different npcs
  3. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    Static, thank you for your guidance.
    ~Phoros~, As many of the names are based on other pantheons and lore, they can be confusing. As Static noted the event tabs will provide ship names.

    I also encourage you to consider appropriate thread titles in the future.

    As the issue seems to be clarified, this thread is
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