clash event

Discussion in 'Help' started by 乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. 乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂

    乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂 Forum Apprentice

    The ranking clash event is broken,I cannot see my position,and I haven t received any daily rewards has the past one did?Are rewards going to be given at the end of event?
  2. Rewards are given at the end of every 24 hour clash cycle, if you didn't receive anything then you weren't in the top 50, you can check your rank by scrolling through the ''Daily Rankings'' or going to ''Daily Prizes'' where your exact rank is shown.
  3. 乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂

    乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂 Forum Apprentice

    The ranking clash event is broken,I cannot see my position....Can t see any daily ranking or prizes any where in main seafight page...In hall of fames I can see it,but has been the same since event has started..................
  4. The clash event ranking under the HoF is a few years old so don't rely on that, if you aren't listed in the clash ranking then you haven't gotten any points, one thing to remember is you receive no clash points from sinks that you've gotten in the raid maps. If you think your clash ranking isn't working as intended then post your ID so a moderator/admin can investigate.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    This is indeed correct. Please post your userID if your ingame clash ranking is not showing up.
  6. 乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂

    乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂 Forum Apprentice

  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I can tell you that your clash ranking is 18. If you are not seeing this and need this to be further investigated, please contact support with the full details of why you feel this is incorrect.
  8. 乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂

    乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂 Forum Apprentice

    Rewards are given at the end of every 24 hour clash cycle, if you didn't receive anything then you weren't in the top 50.

    This is the sexy beasts post right above.Now since everything is broken,and that my question was has simple has where could I find my ranking menu and why I am not getting any rewards after the 24 hour cycle,is leading me to support.I have posted my ID# so you may check into my account and if you have noticed that my ranking was 18,than I thank you for that but being in the top 50 rankings is sence to be giving out rewards and since the event has started I didn t get any thing besides a 44 US dollars investement to buy ICE -AMMO.You have gotten me enoyed and yes i will send to support my problem has you are not being very helpfull.
  9. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    As you are contacting support, I will now close this thread.

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