Open beta server help needed here

Discussion in 'Help' started by -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997, Apr 13, 2014.

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  1. -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997

    -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997 Forum Greenhorn

    hi i recently found out about open beta server and i saw that it is on and i logged in and i only had 3.000 pearls i did some reasearch and i think they said to ask for pearls in forum can someone please go in into my acc id is i would really appriciate it if you could give me enough pearls to test the server to buy canons and ammo and decks , thankyou :)

  2. I'm pretty sure whoever said ask for pearls is insane because people of authority specifically say to not ask for things to be added to your account, all aspects of the game need to be tested and that is why you start off with the normal starter amount of pearls and gold. Post possible complaints and feedback under the discussion thread for the new update or send to support, your not forced to test anything either so don't complain about that lol.
  3. -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997

    -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997 Forum Greenhorn

    yes but i heard that people got over 500 k pearls last time and i cannot test the game by staying in 1 maps :S
  4. Like I said, all aspects of the game need to be tested for bugs and anyone that received massive amounts of pearls is probably pretty close to a moderator/admin.
  5. -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997

    -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997 Forum Greenhorn

    im not asking for masive amount of pearls im asking for pearls just to get a normal ship
  6. Like I've said, every aspect of the game needs to be tested, the elite ships should be fairly cheap in the market.
  7. -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997

    -ŔΛМΡΛĜΞ™BRW1997 Forum Greenhorn

    i want an answer from a Admin
  8. They're on coffee break so you get the sexy beast :D.
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  9. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    The way it goes, if your a friend of a admin they will give you like 100mill pearls if not you get ignored. So we have to deal with it. :rolleyes: But i don't care i'm spending my time building my boat and not helping them on this useless test server if they don't even wanna give us a few pearls to test it with.
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  10. Devil

    Devil Someday Author

    u aspire fore a CM or Forum M POST? U talk 2 much and true some players have evrithing full on beta and some poor players ar for npc u think even now what u say? how can normal user to have legacy.all decks rep ,m8 lvl5 on beta? u think they buy it? lol beta server nrmal on the past was ONLY 4 admin ppl 2 cheak how well work now are 4 all but whit big diferent stafs.
  11. I'm sorry but I couldn't understand your gibberish post. From what I understood you attempted to insult me, like I said, players that are close to moderators/admins get everything put on there boat while others are left with nothing, that's the norm.
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* and ~Blaid~ like this.
  12. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    We cannot add stuff to players accounts. There were specific accounts selected to get some more stuff add to their accounts, however, not a lot of players were given this. All aspects much be tested from the lvl 1 ship with nothing to the lvl 20 with everything.

    Ahoy mate, while I realize you're trying to help, this is not the proper way. You have received a warning for spamming. Thank you.

    As this is not a discussion thread, I will now close.

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