
Discussion in 'Help' started by Mac, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. unicorndream

    unicorndream Junior Expert

    As there appears to be some confusion can a mod clarify the correct format for putting ones id in the survey form. I will not take survey just for it to be wasted due to incorrect recording and by doing so can not have any chance of reward.
  2. »ζèğїõή«

    »ζèğїõή« Someday Author

    To update guys its now accepting the whole ID 39/19537483
  3. LADYDI02

    LADYDI02 Advanced

    where is that survey? i cant find it
  4. sophie♪

    sophie♪ Regular

    You should have put the survey in the test server
  5. OJsippin

    OJsippin Forum Apprentice

    You can put the whole ID
    User ID:40/27086545
    just like that is correct.
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    We are looking into this. However, this may take a bit. Please be patient, this is all we can ask for while we are investigating. Also, this is not a discussion thread. I will close this thread and re-open it when I have been given some information. We will let you know. Thank you for your patience.

    ~Closed until further info has been received~
  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum


    Please ensure you enter your id in it's entirety i.e. 14/12312312
    Please also check that there are no spaces. This should resolve any issues, if you are still having trouble, please make sure you start your own posts.

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