Discussion in 'Help' started by ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠

    ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠ Junior Expert

    IN witch maps does the the ships that give you pearls spawn ?
  2. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    but it depends on your level you can only get psarls from the npc in your level range
    if you hit ones below youll only get gold
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Static is correct. Has his answer helped you?"
  4. OneEyed-Jak

    OneEyed-Jak Forum Greenhorn

    so high lelve players must shoot pearls ammo to make pearls bu ships in the 2 maps give pearls for hollows thats not right
  5. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    I wouldn't say that lol,
    the level 1-5 ship gives really low pearls/reward. gives good ep though.. but you aren't gonna cut even .. massive loss :)
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    The smaller ships earn much less than the big players do from the larger ships. As smaller ships don't generally have the firepower below level 5 thus easier ships are given to the lower players. If you feel this isn't right, please post in the discussion thread with this.