Event question

Discussion in 'Help' started by unicorndream, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. unicorndream

    unicorndream Junior Expert

    I understand that big ships only get gold from lower NPC but do they still get EP? The reason I am asking is I am on my baby boat in one maps on a different server than normal and I see maxed out full pearls hollowing the Blackheart.

    I also observed that if I passed an event ship and one person is shooting it the lagg becomes absolutely ridiculous. Can that be looked into please.

    I am on baby boat as have decided to sit this event out because it is not enjoyable with very poor returns.
  2. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    If they haven't changed it in last restart (yesterday) then yes you get ep & gold if your a higher level.
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Static is indeed correct (thank you static). Has this helped you unicorndream?
  4. unicorndream

    unicorndream Junior Expert

    ok That fine, I just could not understand why full pearls would hit the Blackheart if they not get any thing from it. You may close.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    You're welcome mate, glad to help :)

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