Damage and Slow

Discussion in 'Help' started by Misstress, Apr 24, 2014.

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  1. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice


    Could you check my boat please? I am hitting much slower than normal (compared to others) and with less damage. Something isn't right. I am missing pirates and can't put them on, either.

  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    There is an issue with placing pirates on ships. We have passed this on to the dev team and it is being looked into currently. As for your damage and firing speed, please try this estimator. It calculates an estimate of what your damage should be about (it may be a bit above or below). Please let us know if you still see issues.

    You can find the calculator (and others) here: https://board-en.seafight.com/threads/calculator-tools.21456/
  3. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice

    I appreciate the advice and according to calculations, seems like the damage is correct. Sure wish the pirates were back to normal, though.

    Thanks for the help.
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Once we have more on the pirates we will let you know. We understand it is frustrating, but we can only pass on what the dev team has given us. Thank you for your patience.
  5. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice

    hi again.

    Recently, it seemed like my ship was hitting for less damage; I entered everything into the Drop Box site as you told me to, and it appeared that all was ok, although, a little low. Today, I bought more Voodoo Cannons, and now my damage has drastically reduced. I entered everything into the Drop box again, and yes, I am hitting much lower than before. Please, would you correct this?

  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Have you changed your skills or castles with the recent skill and castle days? this can drastically change that. Also, if any of your buffs ran out, that would also contribute to this. We will continue to look into this though. Thank you.
  7. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    hi m8 a friend of mine had a similar problem to the one you describing. we did however solve the problem,

    try doing the same see if it helps

    firstly deactivate your pet,
    remove all beams,
    remove all cannons, for beams and cannons make sure you go through each deck and check that theres nothing on.

    then log on to the seachart change your ship design to elite level one, and once done fire a harpoon at a monster, proceed to log out of seachart and close the seachart page.

    refresh your home page then relog on to the seachart once on the seachart put everything back on your ship change design and reactivate your pet. hopefully this will helpyou m8.
  8. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice

    I did check all my Skills and Castles, and nothing has changed.
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    If you have not made changes to your design or pet, or had any buffs expire, then this will need further investigation

    For your damage to be calculated and reviewed you will need to contact our CCT.

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