
Discussion in 'Help' started by rattler1958, May 8, 2014.

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  1. rattler1958

    rattler1958 Forum Inhabitant

    When the "scroll Master" decides to reinforce my hull, I should get more HP...That has not happened for the last 3-4 scrolls. 634/41737028. Thanks...Ratt
  2. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    if you already have the specific hp from a scroll then you will not recieve more, instead the duration of the hp is extended.
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    You are correct, thank you mate.

    Has this helped you rattler?
  4. rattler1958

    rattler1958 Forum Inhabitant

    I thought that may be the case. How do I get to 500+ HP like all these boats I fight? I have 60 skills, L2 beams, Castles loaded max, L 20, L28 elite, etc. My boat hits hard, lol...I have read the SF Bible (over and over). I'm lucky if I get to 350K hp. I must be missing something but I can't see what it could be. Thank you for any help you can give. I stumped. Ratt
  5. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    Do you have a ship design that gives HP bonuses?
    you can get 83k hp and around 45k voodoo from some of the top designs around.
    Also pet food can give 25k extra hp & specific pets do give 25k hp buff ( ithink)
    and with full pdecks & extra decks =
    34k hp
    30k from castle?
    that would be 144k from 80k base.
    90k from beams? 236k
    12500 virgo
    25k carpi
    50k sagi
    75k cancer
    would = 398.500k

    Plus pet food 423500
    + skin = 510k ish

    and hp from skills = 12k more
    plus pet that gives hp = 25k more

    You can get alot more than this, i believe around 670k ish is the max but you require certain buffs to be out etc.

    Hope this helps.
  6. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    If you look here it will detail all the ways of getting hp/vp.
  7. rattler1958

    rattler1958 Forum Inhabitant

    Have "skullbasher" design...and all the rest...I think my boat is
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Your account is not broke.

    Many players find it extremely hard to get all the scroll hp bonuses at the same time. However it is possible as you have seen other players carrying this much hp.

    Good luck on receiving the amount of hp that you require.

    As there is nothing further to add, this post will be closed.

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