Cassiopeias Power

Discussion in 'Help' started by *painter*, May 17, 2014.

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  1. *painter*

    *painter* Junior Expert

    Your task as a server is to cause more damage than you did the day before (the “day” runs from 12 noon to 12 noon, local server time). For the first day, we have set the target at 3,000,000,000 Hit Points. If your server surpasses this amount, you and everyone on your server will be granted Cassiopeia’s Might starting at 12 noon and lasting until 12 noon the following day. If you don’t reach your daily target, you will not get the Cassiopeia’s Might buff and will have to wait until the following day to try to reach your target score again. Each day, your target is set depending on how well you did the day before but the minimum requirement is 3,000,000,000 Hit Points!

    where is the Cassiopeias Power we complete the task i have ben all nighet on for shooting that thing and completing the task and what do we get anything comon bp fix it so we can play do something fast :(
  2. Lmfao

    Lmfao Forum Greenhorn

    You gave a answer for yourself in your own quote.
  3. *painter*

    *painter* Junior Expert

    we have complete the task but we dont received the Cassiopeias Power so hush if you dont understand
  4. Lmfao

    Lmfao Forum Greenhorn

    When you complete that task it will not automatically start right away. When the clock run's 24 hour's from where event start 1 day have passed and if you have completed task you will receive that buff.
    In global server's I belive in 1 hour buff will activate.
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for explaining the restart buff. As this has been answered this thread will be closed.

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