survey rewards

Discussion in 'Help' started by Caveman, May 20, 2014.

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  1. Caveman

    Caveman Forum Apprentice

    I did not receive the 25 keys. I can only assume I did not receive the flares either, as they do not show in the log book and I did not know how many flares I had to begin with. I do know I did not receive the keys as I only have the 10 that I have had for a while.
    Please check, thank you
    146/41847562 USA2
  2. [AM§]*Wølƒ*

    [AM§]*Wølƒ* Forum Overlooker

    They won't show up in the logbook. I suggest going to shipyard - cannonballs
    and shipyard - special items to find the stuff you were booked with. That or check in your menu bar on the seachart. Should be there. As for the pet, you will have to check bestiary if you got him, which most likely you did not.
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    These keys are showing on your account, please clear your cookies and cache and try logging in again.
  4. Caveman

    Caveman Forum Apprentice

    Yes, Wolf, I understand that these items do not show up in the logbook. I stated that this is understood, and that is how I was unsure of the flares being added to my account. I went to the shipyard to look for the keys and they were not there, hence the post in the tech section. Maybe you should stick to the general questions and feedback parts of the forum. :rolleyes:

    Thank you, Shiver, clearing my cookies helped. I now see the keys on board. You may close.:D
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As requested.

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