Pirate rank

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~Blaid~, Jul 20, 2014.

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  1. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    You're: Baron of the Seas
    Your rank is calculated as follows:

    10565794448 Hit Points / 200000
    244543219 Elite Points / 5000
    284187281 Experience points / 1500
    20 Level * 100
    1240 Days of Piracy * 5
    Total points:

    I dont understand how i dont have a silver coin? IM not trying to complain but many players who have even 800 days are silvers..Im almost at 300mil ep and everyone past that has a silver coin...is this calculated wrong??
  2. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur


    Heres my user ID if you need it
  3. Skorven65

    Skorven65 Forum Apprentice

    If you look to the left of where you see your score you can see how many points you need to get a silver coin. You can also see how many points you need to get the emblem below your current rank,
  4. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    It has and i know its there, im just curious as to how a pirate with nearly 400 less days than me has a silver. Im nearly 370k points off of it
  5. Skorven65

    Skorven65 Forum Apprentice

    400 days only equal 2000 points.

    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    pirate ranks change daily based on the total movement of the server you play on you need to increase your play time shoot more it will all add up in the end silver medallion is nothing wait till you've had the gold so long theirs nothing above it to shoot for then what do ya do relaxe youll get there soon enough
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Your fellow pirates are all correct, the stats change with the movement of the server. Some players have shot much more damage points against ships than you or have way more EP. The days you have been on the server unfortunately does not have a huge impact on current ranking.
  8. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    on the server I play on there's people that are baron of seas but are higher than prince of pirate ranks, all about who has most points xD
  9. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    Haha okay thank you
  10. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    As question is answered, I will now close.

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