Open Beta Questions

Discussion in 'Help' started by Mary-Weather, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. Mary-Weather

    Mary-Weather Junior Expert

    1. How do I get to the open beta server?
    2. What do I need to do to join the open beta server?
    3. How exactly does the test server work?

    Update: I may have found beta server, but i can't tell. The server loads to 49% and stays there and I can't access the hall of fame or the market cove.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    1. Go to
    2. Create an account
    3. The test server works by everyone playing on it when the developers want to test something, this highlights any bugs glitches which can be sorted before it goes live on the actual servers. A good example of this would be The titan event, it was run a month in advance on there.
    Does this answer your question? :)
  3. Mary-Weather

    Mary-Weather Junior Expert

    Also is the loadin
    Yeah just about. I'm also wondering if it ever loads. I'm currently stuck on 49% and an hour's time won't get it past that number. Also do all the currency systems work the same in the beta? I wouldn't be able to test the titan event if I have to start entirely from scratch.
  4. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    kullehh I have deleted your post because you were hijacking. This against the Forum rules, please refer to this link for further information.

    Mary, I have a ship over there, and from time to time it won't load for me, the best time is early in the morning which is around 2-3am CEST. When you first log on the seachart you get around 4million pearls, 100million gold and 100k crystalls. some cannons, a ship design. that's it i believe, although each player gets a random number of cannons.

    Does this help? :)
  5. Mary-Weather

    Mary-Weather Junior Expert

    that's perfect thanks!
  6. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    No problem :)

    As OP is happy, I shall close.

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