market wins not given

Discussion in 'Help' started by dragon0760, Oct 10, 2014.

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  1. dragon0760

    dragon0760 Forum Inhabitant

    hi i bid on the armor, cutlasses and pistols in the market at 23.59 i watched the bids for the last minute refreshing just seconds before the end, i still had them, but on the hour i did not receive the winnings and they are not showing up in the auctioned items, in fact nothing is showing there, is there any chance i can be given my legitimate winnings please.

    id 39/33719176

  2. did you refresh your screen, results used to be shown for the last few hours. not sure now don,t have a few spare billion to bid with.
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Upon reviewing you account, you did not win the bid. You were most likely outbid at the last minute. Unfortunately, as you didn't win, I cannot credit this to your account.
  4. Treeflex

    Treeflex Forum Greenhorn

    this same thing is happening to me i have bid on 50 cannon past couple of auctions and had the bid up untill the refresh and did not recieve it at all
    ID - 39/41854049
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Please do not hijack your fellow pirates thread. If you create your own thread we will be glad to help you. Thank you.
  6. dragon0760

    dragon0760 Forum Inhabitant

    i have spoken to several people all off whom are sure they had the bid at the end of the auction and have not received the items, i had the bid up to about 4 seconds before it ended, how can we be sure we are just not being given them when we cannot check the auction results as its not working...
  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    We have just confirmed that there is now an error with the market cove, however at this time we are unaware if items are being booked correctly or not. While this is being investigated we cannot offer any compensation.

    We do apologise for the inconvenience caused.
  8. dragon0760

    dragon0760 Forum Inhabitant

    i look forward to receiving my items in due course then shiv, i am not looking for compensation just what i actually won.
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Until we get confirmation of what the issue is we can not state if you will be issued any items or not. Thank you for your patience whilst this is reviewed.

    As there is nothing further at this time to add, this post will be closed.

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