Chat lost!?

Discussion in 'Help' started by FlynteLocke, Oct 21, 2014.

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  1. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

    I was at a friends house and his monitor is larger than mine at home so I had absentmindedly moved the box to a diff location on his screen/monitor. That location it turns out is beyond the reach of my screen so I can't use chat. Is the anyway to retrieve it without a larger monitor? f "something"?Hmmm? Please!

  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Please provide your user id and server so that we may assist further. My apologies for the delay in this, I seem to have missed your post yesterday.
  3. 4x4x4

    4x4x4 Regular

    If I may, If u dont live too far from ur friends house, go back, log in and move it to center screen, log. When u get back home it should be somewheres u can move it now.
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    You can use the f8 button to reconfigure your screen and place the chat box where you can see it.
  5. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

  6. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

    Friend is like 120 miles away. I played with the options menu and hit start configuator, then chat window reset and enter. Thx for the f8 shortcut too. maybe post this where someone can see it. It could come up again. Or even a Trouble shooter section to the Seafight bible. Peace out! Thx all.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Glad you sorted this out mate and we were able to help :)

    As the issue is solved, I will now close this thread.

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