black market and event keys

Discussion in 'Help' started by .Imagine., Oct 28, 2014.

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  1. .Imagine.

    .Imagine. Junior Expert

    every time I go into the black market I get redirected to my home page,why? can't buy things in home page. also ,I have some event keys but find no event chests,will thay come back soon?
    theFaintSmile likes this.
  2. theFaintSmile

    theFaintSmile Padavan

    Hey bud, the Black Market will re-open again tomorrow morning for the Jolly Rodger event and as for the keys i'm sure they're in the process of converting these into normal chest keys :)
  3. ~ACΣ~

    ~ACΣ~ Forum Greenhorn

    Blackmarket problems on uk, cant buy ammo & cant do event :(
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Please create your own thread.

    As for the black market, theFaintSmile is correct. The Market is currently closed as the event is over. However, it should be open with the new Freedom event starting. What server are these issues happening on?
  5. Emerald~Cove

    Emerald~Cove Forum Greenhorn

    they are happening on the US east server, u click black market and get a web page not available error message
  6. Emerald~Cove

    Emerald~Cove Forum Greenhorn

    they are happening on the US east server, u click black market and get a web page not available error message.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    We are aware of this issue and have passed it along to the development team. As there is nothing more we can do now, I will close this thread.

    Thank you all for your patience.

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