
Discussion in 'Help' started by øñéSHOT, Nov 19, 2014.

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  1. øñéSHOT

    øñéSHOT Junior Expert

    I don't understand what it is, it's only on US1 server at certain times of the day.

    I play on uk, and have zero issues, but around 3-8 my time, I start lagging on usa east, and can't even get on the water.

    This only started on halloween event, and hasn't stopped.

    I've tried everything, My internet is fine, (84 dl, 80 ul, 10 ping) There is nothing on my end which is wrong.

    It seems it only happens to a few people and I can't figure it out. I've tried clearing cache, everything that can possibly be done.
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Can you provide any more information? What time zone are you? Do you play seafight with other software running on your computer (i.e. itunes, winamp, other browsers, other games...) Or have anything/anyone else on your network who may decrease your connection quality?
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Warnings have been given out as appropriate. If you disagree with this, you can contact support. Please keep this thread on topic or it will be closed.
  4. I am PST, so three hours behind EST. No Software, other than hypercam 2, and it's not that. No, it's not my network, as when this issue is happening UK server is working fine, I can have the other people with this issue reply here as well if you like. Not sure what the problem is
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

  6. Actually it is happening now, on usa lag, I can't get on, the backpage is messed up, on us1.

    However uk has zero lag issues.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Please try the above method and see if that helps.
  8. Sadly, I have tried this with no results, multiple times, I even contacted verizon, and had them change my IP....And complained about this issue, and they said it isn't anything on their end.

    It's just odd that it's only on certain time periods on certain servers.

    I currently can't even get on the water, and the backpage, takes forever on us1.

    Again Uk I am having zero issues, fighting and shooting islands atm.

    User id: 37508163

    Btw, I am one shot lol
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 20, 2014
  9. Paul~Bunyan

    Paul~Bunyan Forum Apprentice

    Yeah... I can't log on the game to play. I've tried everything you can think of.
    I live in Southern California, using Verizon FiOS. My computer is an Alienware desktop. I have had problems logging on US1 specifically. Even if I somehow got on the water. I lag out.
    xXxRedLiteMassxXx likes this.
  10. øñéSHOT

    øñéSHOT Junior Expert

    One thing I've noticed everyone who is having this issue has FIOS
  11. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for the added information this will be passed to the programmers to review.

    Pending any updates this post will be closed.

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