Cannon damage.

Discussion in 'Help' started by xXxRedLiteMassxXx, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. It seems the 7% from cancer and 5% are being added together, and not separate like intended.

    It's extremely easy to tell, I recently lost the 7% and my hits went down by 2k+ Clearly, they are being added together.

    Please have someone look into this asap
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please include your user name, user id and server.
  3. StDad

    StDad Forum Greenhorn

    No. i had 5% and get 7% more. hit is just 300-400 stronger
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please do not hijack another players post. If you have any issues with your account please start your own post.
  5. little_KING_KONG 41842483 GB1

    I am 100% positive of this, unless you can explain my damage going down almost 2k...the exact time I lost 7%? lol
  6. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    As I understood it your 7% damage is used first (not added together). If or when that should expire, only then would your damage revert to the lower 5% damage that you have acquired.

    My own damage when I asked for a total, reads > Your 7% damage bonus expires:2028-12-03 01:21:59 and reverts to the 5% damage which is active until: 2040-05-29 29:16:09.

    That means after the 2028 date when 7% expires, my damage will drop to the lower 5% until 2040....unless of course I win more 7% damage in between.

    If your 7% expired this would explain a drop of 2% which would be as expected, otherwise you need to find some more 7% damage awards to get your full damage returned.

    Hope that makes sense.;)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
    frankthetank1974 likes this.
  7. That is how it is supposed, to be, however, that is not how it is working. I am fully aware on how the game works :)
  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Your 7% expired on 2014-10-30 so this is almost a month ago, your 5% is set to expire on 2015-11-07.

    We are unable to see if you have made any changed to the way your ship configuration and therefore are not able to see exactly why this would have dropped by that amount.

    If you need further clarification on this please feel free to contact the customer care team.

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