Dump balls?

Discussion in 'Help' started by twodogs, Nov 29, 2014.

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  1. twodogs

    twodogs Junior Expert

    So we can't dump balls now? How do I get rid of those stupid repair balls now?
  2. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

    Basically you can pretend they don't exist. Other than that you're stuck bud, sorry. OH! You can get a bunch of lvl 1 rep cannons and alternate between beating up npc's and fixing em! A kinda good cop bad cop routine of the high seas and see if some crazy bug might give you more than what you'd normally be due?! I don't know but this could get rid of them painfully slowly. Course you'd be wasting a lot of good ammo. Maybe fix peoples npc's as they're beating em down. On event npc's this could make you crazy popular with opponents cannons.

    Once you talk it through I'd say the first choice might be best.

    Peace bud, good gaming!

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  3. twodogs

    twodogs Junior Expert

    thanks Flynte. I'm not alone in hating these stoopid balls then ;-)
  4. twodogs

    twodogs Junior Expert

    btw I used to get rid of them the way you suggested, beating up npcs then repairing them, not a very exciting way of spending game time and for what? A few ELP points, but last time I tried that I got the message "wrong type of ammo for this npc" - so it looks like BP have stopped that as an option too. That's why I sold the repair cannons and started dumping the balls as soon as I got them... Now like you say, looks like I'm stuck with them. I'm really glad I don't spend money on this game!
  5. .†SĨŊŊBλφ.

    .†SĨŊŊBλφ. Junior Expert

    Rep balls are good if you rep other players who are shooting event ships, you get experience points for repping and double elp for every rep ball used. Or you can use them to rep mates who are fighting enemy guilds. They are not a waste mate, they have a purpose and used correctly can give you a big boost in elites and leveling up.
  6. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    As this has been answered correctly, I shall close.

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