Event Items

Discussion in 'Help' started by Nepasiseke, Jan 12, 2015.

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  1. Nepasiseke

    Nepasiseke Forum Apprentice

    Ahoy pirates one question when opening "Event Items" last time i see after finter event o_O
  2. Doom^^

    Doom^^ Forum Inhabitant

    12pm on 13th jan I guess
  3. Nepasiseke

    Nepasiseke Forum Apprentice

  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Most event items are now purchasable in the black market during event times, or during hh or mhh.
  5. {CRIXUS}

    {CRIXUS} Someday Author

    No, hh and mhh hasn't worked for weeks, it's amazing that you aren't aware of that. How can the lead mod in the game not know this?
    Karnifex likes this.
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please note I said Black Market, and yes they are available.
  7. {CRIXUS}

    {CRIXUS} Someday Author

    such a crock you continue to shpeel,
    Oft-repeated thoughtless dialogue which is not necessarily true.

    You also said " or during hh or mhh."

    Why is it so hard to get a straight forward Honest answer from BP represenatives?
    GPMONSTER likes this.
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As they did not open the black market during this mhh they opened it for 24 hours after.

    As there is nothing further to add this post will be closed, if you wish to dispute any comments made please contact our Customer Care Team.

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