Sea Fight Bible.

Discussion in 'Help' started by USS_Defender(CAG-01), Jan 20, 2015.

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  1. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    Over the years I have noticed that subjects repeatedly asked about in Forum are not eventually addressed in the SeaFight Bible. It seems there is always a link to someplace else. Why cant these frequently asked questions be addressed in the SeaFight Bible table of contents? Like for example: Cannon Damage/Cannon mix, among many others. Why does it require an in depth analysis by a Moderator or another player? Which usually results in referral to a link? Can't this info be addressed in the Seafight Bible and then all one has to do is to be referred to the appropriate place in the Table of Contents?
    FlynteLocke likes this.
  2. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

    Arrgh! Ye may be right matey, but where be the fun in that? Plowing though bits and pieces o' remnant conversation, well... It's like seeking treasure from scraps o' a map from some salty seadogs all but the waves 'ave forgotten. Ye sees me point matey? Cuz I may 'ave just lost it meself...
    Arrgh! Where is that blasted point!

  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    We are constantly working on updating the bible. However, as this is an ever changing game and we constantly working on it. We thank you for your patience as this is worked on. If you have specific questions we are glad to help out. That is part of our job.
  4. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    I see fixing game and catching cheaters as a higher priority but I do agree it needs updating.
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This is being done on a regular basis. However this is one part of the forum that will never be completed and will always be work in progress. This is due to the many changes and updates in the game.

    As there is nothing further we can state on this matter this post will be closed, but would like to advised that this is continually being updated.

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