Cannon Hit Probability

Discussion in 'Help' started by LarryMossFBI, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    If I have 100% or more without using astrolabe, would astrolabe be pointless for me?
  2. Vlad#Tepes

    Vlad#Tepes Forum Apprentice

    it would make it more stabile.. and also most enemies have less accuracy on them.
  3. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

    accuracy over 100% reduces the effect of dodge chance from gems, buffs (like smoke screen), pets and voodoo mirage in castles
  4. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    ok, thanks but will it make any difference to how I hit?
  5. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    No mate, once you've reached that point your hits will not cause more damage.

    However, as FlynteLocke quite rightly states though- any extra accuracy after that point will reduce or offset the defence effectiveness of the more heavily defended ships. i.e. those ships equipped with dodge gems, or buffs (like smoke screen), pets or voodoo mirage in castles.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  6. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    kk thx guys.. ty for clarification gm.. so it's not very important to me atm..
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    As your fellow pirates have been helpful and it appears you are satisfied with their answers, I will now close this thread.

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