Discussion in 'Help' started by Doom^^, Mar 21, 2015.

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  1. Doom^^

    Doom^^ Forum Inhabitant

    I have been kicked a million times of boss map and i have controlled myself not to rage but can you kindly explain the following sitution. So i had 2 mil on ladon and i was repping in corner , repping to full vp and keep in mind I lost no connection or anything i get kicked and a pop up comes " You did not do well" by alexandros Like wth? only 40mins had passed and ladon was not killed it just kicked me, I seriously want my embs compensated for this bull.
  2. forumaccan

    forumaccan Padavan

    Perhaps you accidently pressed the "leave map" button on top of your screen, its not a 15 sec countdown in the bossmap, if you click it you are out immediately.
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I am sorry but I have no explanation. I have not taken part in the event, I've not seen how any of it works, but I will ask the team members and see if I can get more information for you.
  4. Doom^^

    Doom^^ Forum Inhabitant

    Bro , I am quite sure i did not click anything , I also kept moving so I dont get kicked of inactivty but still got randomly kicked.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Does it always happen around the same time? Or at different intervals?
    And to answer your question, coding is very difficult when on a complicated scale as an MMO.
  6. Doom^^

    Doom^^ Forum Inhabitant

    Lol I do know alot about coding ;) and listen i was out of ladons range and repping my vp to full and moving around every 1-2 mins so i Dont' get kicked outa map for inactivity and when my vp was at 120k randomly i get kicked and a pop up apears similar to one entering the map saying that you did not do well at all , and ladon was not still killed. Forward this issue to develops please because its hard for me to get the perfect in that map if I keep gettin randomly kicked and No I dont know when it happens.
  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    We have now had a few complaints of this and the team are looking into it. I am sorry I do not have more positive news for you at this time.
  8. Doom^^

    Doom^^ Forum Inhabitant

    ty for the help , you have done what you could please close :)
  9. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As requested.

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