Gingers for Ice Ammo?

Discussion in 'Help' started by LesterDivine, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. LesterDivine

    LesterDivine Forum Apprentice

    I can see that the ice keys have been converted into non-event keys as announced but I can see nothing in exchange for the gingerbreads that many of us had left over due to being unable to but additional gingers to obtain the winter skin.

    I cannot remember how many gingerbreads I had but I think it was in excess of 600.
  2. gingerbread cookies coming out in the market especially Ships q change the system tray of cookies by bullets
  3. LesterDivine

    LesterDivine Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the reply Otto, but I think you might need to use a different translator. I don't really understand your reply.
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  4. ▬☼DooM☼▬

    ▬☼DooM☼▬ Junior Expert


    had nearly 4000 gb still waiting for them to be changed also
  5. -ironvet2566-

    -ironvet2566- Forum Greenhorn

    Ahoy m8.

    As to when the extra gingerbread men will be converted watch for official announcements. Hopefully it will be when next event starts. Keep a eye out.