The Curse of the golden claw

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Mar 8, 2017.

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  1. ozan

    ozan Forum Apprentice

    do you already have 1 started try cancel the 1 your doing
    ΜΰΰΰΰΰάςΗ likes this.
  2. djt182

    djt182 Padavan

    you have an existing quest open from previous event - cancel that & it'll let you accept new one
    ΜΰΰΰΰΰάςΗ likes this.
  3. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    For any quest that involves delivering certain currency, you must get close to the quest giver in order to give the currency.
  4. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    thumbs up, event is entertaining and if u play it right u make some profit + ammo for b-day event
  5. -TALENTO.GR.-

    -TALENTO.GR.- Someday Author

    when does blackmarket close?
  6. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    As nothing is stated to the contrary about the Black Market, it should be assumed that it will most likely close at the same time.
  7. -TALENTO.GR.-

    -TALENTO.GR.- Someday Author

  8. Fĩsħєr1000Çoѓpsєs

    Fĩsħєr1000Çoѓpsєs Someday Author

    lol quests are not worth doing u loose what u put in from them taking the sticks and cases
    The*Defiant and Grand-mariner™ like this.
  9. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    If I remember correctly, this Event (previously under some other name) in the past included both "Postman" and "Paperboy" NPCs. One of the two you could shoot with hollows. That is a nice thing. Especially for new players. And I like free stuff from hollows, even if it is not in large quantities. I do not however, need chopsticks.;)(My rowdy crew eats with their hands)!
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
  10. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Noone need complain about this event, it is very easy to make event currency and lots of pearls, great event.
    Lostsail likes this.
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Check out this thread and compare. This Event isn't even close. Not to mention previously in 2014:
    "Event Shipwrecks can be found on the Seafight seas – they contain items such as Tickets, Confetti Ammo, Amulets, Hailstorm and Windstorm."

    But your ecstatic happiness is noted!:D
  12. USB~Greybeard

    USB~Greybeard Padavan

    Completely different event...
  13. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Based on that link I gave, it is the Original Event. To support this is the following excerpt: "you have to sink either the Postman or the Paperboy NPC." Coincidence? I think not! But yes, what we received this time is totally different in both the Name of the Event, the Event itself, etc. P.S. Please dye your beard.o_O
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
  14. USB~Greybeard

    USB~Greybeard Padavan

    The event from last year was the "Spring Plunder event"

    The event you're referring too is not even close to the same. Do your research.
  15. Deathless-007

    Deathless-007 Active Author

    Nice event...
  16. ☆*~Jackyourgolds~*☆

    ☆*~Jackyourgolds~*☆ Forum Apprentice

    Guys to be honest ya all cant say anything bad about this event! it was pretty sweet! easy pearls and bp! im really happy about this event was really cool! keep bringin stuff like this guys!!
    One last thing.. try to fix the lagg problems some times it is really impossible to play :p
  17. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Ah-ya-ya! The names are exactly the same for the NPCs in the 2014 Event..which came, by the way, before 2015). So the earliest time frame is the Event where the initial concept was conceived. They obviously changed it up quite a bit, but my point remains totally correct. You Do Your Research richie. And color your beard and get on the water!:D P.S. Re-read your own link: No Walter Buckingham, no "food crates" with Mojos, no new skin.
  18. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Who cares!!! This event was changed up a little this year from previous years.
    It was a short and very profitable event, try playing it instead of whining in the forum.
    This is one of the most profitable events i have played in years, made over 2 million pearls ver 1 weekend, good deal, ty BigPoint.
  19. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master


    what did u do log in for 5 mins and decide because u couldnt shoot hollows that this event was no good?lol
    Try playing the game, it is alot more fun than the forum.
    Corsair_Bill likes this.
  20. USB~Greybeard

    USB~Greybeard Padavan

    That is the equivalent of this event. Sigh...
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