
Discussion in 'Help' started by ♥§ea§♥, May 1, 2017.

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  1. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    I have read the description of what all comes with premium and i was wandering if the 2 Times Faster Repairs means voodoo and hp or just hp?
    and what are the other - Additional Item Benefits ?
  2. kickitup1

    kickitup1 Forum Apprentice

    just hp
  3. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    ok what about the other additional item benefits?
  4. *KRUCHY*

    *KRUCHY* Forum Duke

    Hey ,

    by purhasing premium you get acess to :

    Faster Logout
    - Target Coordinate Input
    - 5% Discount in the Market Cove
    - 2 Times Faster Repairs
    - Additional Item Benefits

    now , what this " additional Item benefits " mean ? Its very simple m8 , lets say you have bought premium for 6 months , and day later you did bought a rocket master ( crew member ) for 3 days . Due to your premium status this rocket master will stay on board as long as your premium , with mean 6 months + 3 days ) . Same goes with lvl 5 carpenter , sailmaker or ebony deck etc.
  5. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    Thank you that is what i thought but i wanted to make sure, a few things have changed since i last played.
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