Mother's Day Strife

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, May 12, 2017.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Mother's Day Strife

    Ahoy pirates,

    Please let us know your feedback about the Mother's Day Strife!

    Please be sure to follow all forum rules and off topic comments as well as complaints will be removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    I'm sorry but this event is a joke. Venus gives nothing (2 crystals, 300 gunpowder), admiral is smaller than normal event NPCs in most events. Admiral is finished in 10 hits, from 1 player.
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    308 is the standard cost of a Crystal. Heartbreaker if I remember correctly is about 600 per 1000. So 2 Crystals is 616 Pearls, making 16 Pearl profit. However, most people have premium, discount, island discount extra, so you would be losing yes. Add that to the fact that it is a chance to receive crystals, you will lose a lot if you shoot them with any elite ammo.

    One key thing you are missing though is that these can be Easily sunk with hollows. Sinking them with hollows is 2 Free Crystals! Nothing to turn your nose up at, very beneficial for small boats.

    Nature's Defender unless you spawned it, because of its extreamly low HP, it is pointless teleporting to a map it spawns on as it is normally sunk before the 15 second countdown finishes. Due to players holding Venus Flytraps until the count is 24/25 then firing, this means its normally the same group of people who spawn it, same as past events. I think removing the countdown from the Event window would be good imo

    I stand by my comment that this is a good event for small players who can get important items for free. Not every event is for big boats ;) Remember this is only a 3 day event, we have another 'big event' coming up next week :)

    cheetah and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  4. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    Removing the counter is one way.. If you would also stop advertising--in the global chat--the map, where the big events ship spawn, this would also help small players and clans benefit much more..

    Currently, it is close to impossible for smaller clans to shoot on the big event ships, unless they are no shoot with the larger clans.
    DerpSquad69, Corsair_Bill and A-R-K-Y like this.
  5. Riker(NZL)

    Riker(NZL) Forum Apprentice

    mothers day event is a waste of time . only a chance of 2 crystills is a joke with the amount of crystills needed in this game it should be allmost every trap not a chance, as arky says u got no chance to warp to the spawn maps find event ship before it is sunk after the lag/chat issues we just come through bp have really let us down on this event
  6. Deathless-007

    Deathless-007 Active Author

    Not good event...
    Riker(NZL) likes this.
  7. BAD~ROB

    BAD~ROB Forum Apprentice

    There are new things to purchase, so be sure to give more money to a failing company they really appreciate it.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  8. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Not restricted to this event either. These failings and inadequacies have been continuously going on for far too long now.

    'Sorry' the word, just doesn't mean anything nowadays after hearing it so often!
  9. -ρσℓℓσ-

    -ρσℓℓσ- Forum Greenhorn

    So I see in no event is there anything to give him with harpoons .. and what seems to give them is given with bullets ... because they do not put anything with the harpoons?
  10. Riker(NZL)

    Riker(NZL) Forum Apprentice

    And now the lag this is unacceptable game spends more time being unplayable than playable not that i like scrolls but sure beats this event
  11. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Restart incoming :)

  12. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    this event helped alot, i managed to do a cancer and a capri so far, ty bp. keep it up lmao
  13. Corsair_Bill

    Corsair_Bill Forum Connoisseur

    Happy Mother's Day
  14. Daboyzz!

    Daboyzz! Junior Expert

    Ummm! It said all those in top 100 were eligable for the draw but it was only drawn from 1-56??? I was in top 80 and not on the draw list. COmpensation? Not fair at all.
  15. Bisdak

    Bisdak Advanced

    There is a draw list? Where can I find it?
    ~AVIT~ likes this.
  16. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Can I ask how do you know you were not in the draw list?

    It clearly states that
    "Drawn amongst the players positioned in Top 100 on the event ranking."

    Now that means that only 5 random players have the possibility of being drawn and receiving the reward of 1x Emperors Booty Bag and 2x Firestorm Cannons. Not every player who is in the top 100 will get the reward. It is highly probable that you simply were not one of the lucky winners to receive such items.

  17. Daboyzz!

    Daboyzz! Junior Expert

    Hey Arky, the draw list posted states the winners were drawn from the 56 players listed by ID #'s? It then shows the 5 winners and those who received top 10 rewards.

    Now it does have last years date on it so it may not be up to date. Probably from last year.

    SO the new question is where is the list with this years winners and those drawn from? Not that I expected to win just curious or the final rankings and who did win.
  18. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    For nearly every event the Draw List has not been posted I believe. I have not seen one posted for this event, and do not expect one to be posted.

    I will say they have been running these random draws for top 100 for nearly every event for a couple of years, so it is very very likely that it is working correctly. Although, without seeing the List we can not be certain.

  19. cheetah

    cheetah Forum Apprentice

    i agree count downs in event tabs should not be listed, i noticed very quickly myself how players tried rigging it to spawn the defender, an ok event for small players if that wasnt a factor. i liked it a bit, really small but if you did get the natures defender the pearls were nice.
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
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