Event daily ranking

Discussion in 'Help' started by Satan_Himself, May 28, 2017.

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  1. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Currently, we are at phase 10 of 14, but the event ticker says 2 days and 12 houes left. Are we having all these phases or the event ticker is correct?
  2. terkko

    terkko Forum Greenhorn

    I think we wont be able shoot cassiopeia after 2 days anyway (so we cant get any points)
  3. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  4. To the best of my knowledge: the cassiopeia "phases" of the event will be ending in approx. 12 hours. The word "phases" translates to "days". It is 10 days, 15 hours, for the cassiopeia island shoot. It will end at 3am Pacific Time. (LST).

    The actual event will end in approx. 1 day, 12 hours. The event consists of 3 phases (sections), starting from 18 May, 12pm LST, and runs 'til 30 May, 12pm LST. The third phase is currently ongoing.
    The blackmarket will close at the end of 2 June.

    Has this answered your query?
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
  5. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Not exactly. Considering this pic, how many more times will daily ranking rewards be payed? Will we be able to shoot the turtle for all the phases?

  6. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    9 more hours have been added to the time limits. The Cassiopeia shoot will now end at 12pm Pacific. Have no clue as to how this will effect the "Phases" of the Event.

    To be on schedule with what you mentioned above, S.H., the Phase blocks will now have to be about 4 hours each, give or take I don't know how many minutes. I honestly have no idea as to how this was configured, lol.

    Thought I would throw that in, even though it is probably not very helpful.
  7. Thank you for your input, michaelwells. Evidently, even more time has been added to the event. The "crack cassiopeia's shell" part of the event will now extend to the end of the event. The event will conclude at 3am Pacific time, 30 May, as currently listed on the ticker.

    At this point, I can't say as to whether all 14 "phases" will be completed, or not. It's possible that even more time will be added to the event, bringing it to conclusion at 12pm Pacific, May 30, as originally scheduled.
  8. As the event is nearly finished

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