Security ?

Discussion in 'Help' started by -PiXeL-, May 27, 2017.

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  1. -PiXeL-

    -PiXeL- Forum Greenhorn

    Why do not you come into the boat games page when you have the highest safety firewall on?

    Is not that a safe page!?!?

    The page only charges 48% when I have the highest security on my firewall?
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please could you try to rephrase your query, as I am slightly confused by this.
  3. MickeyBow

    MickeyBow Forum Connoisseur

    I think they are trying to ask why they are not logging directly into their water page instead of the home page and that they cannot log onto water page, only going to 48 % and locking up maybe? Try clearing your cache in browser and updating your browser. Hope this is correct.
  4. -PiXeL-

    -PiXeL- Forum Greenhorn

    same thing when i use hide my ip/vpn cant come in to game...stops at 48%
  5. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Let me try clarify what you are asking. When you turn your Firewall settings up to the highest, most secure, you are not able to load the SeaChart, it stops at 48%? When you lower your Firewall settings you are able to load the SeaChart completely?

    If that is the case, then the issue is that when you increase your Firewall settings, it stops incoming connections. In order for the SeaChart to load your PC has to download and store temporarily data on your PC so you it can be used when you are playing the game. If your Firewall is turned up really high, then you are unable to download these files, and thus the SeaChart shall not load.

    You could add SeaFight to the whitelist if you like so that these files can be downloaded without you decreasing your Firewall settings.

    I will say that the SeaChart is secure, there is nothing bad in there that is a danger to your PC or your Account.
    Please be aware, that since the last Terms and Conditions update, VPN's/Proxies are now no longer allowed for all accounts registered with Bigpoint Sàrl and Co, SCS. For accounts registered with Bigpoint Inc. (American players) a VPN is still allowed.

    This can be seen here:

    -PiXeL- likes this.
  6. -PiXeL-

    -PiXeL- Forum Greenhorn

    this i mean ---> Let me try clarify what you are asking. When you turn your Firewall settings up to the highest, most secure, you are not able to load the SeaChart, it stops at 48%? When you lower your Firewall settings you are able to load the SeaChart completely?
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