Sightseeing Sorcery

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Jun 2, 2017.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Sightseeing Sorcery

    Ahoy pirates,

    Please let us know your feedback about the Sightseeing Sorcery Event!

    Please be sure to follow all forum rules and off topic comments as well as complaints will be removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    hello this only payment event ? I dont se keys or amo on blackmarnad
  3. The_Druncken_Pillager

    The_Druncken_Pillager Someday Author

    cant find keys in blackmarket
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. tika

    tika Forum Greenhorn

    no event chest in black market ????????
  5. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    no items in payment area either....
  6. Marlboro™

    Marlboro™ Forum Apprentice

    Will ammo be purchasable from the black market or only in payment section?
    I bought a few keys but they don't seem worth it. The ammo in the other hand seems very valuable.
  7. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    Great profit from NPCs, great values out of chests! Wish that kind of event would last for 10 days, not the previous Turtle one.

    I bought a bounch of keys, to get transfered into normal ones, but I like this offer much better. Thanks!
    cheetah likes this.
  8. Marlboro™

    Marlboro™ Forum Apprentice

    What are you getting out of chests that is so great? .-.
    I can agree with the NPCs, although I can't seem to spawn a single admi XD
  9. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    Legba, Big triton, lion emblem, SE ammo, slow rockets, unstoppable, bloodlust, swiftstone, pumpkin speed. (Some more i guess)
    Each chest give great value, for a cost of 1000 pearls.
  10. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

  11. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    @ †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    Chests were horrible, profit from Turtle crusher was worse than Usurper. And the whole concept was boring and so repeatetive. But you are indeed right, that doomhammer change was one of a kind, and deeply appreciated. (Along with long awaited Masterwork tools - repair buff, and others)

    If you managed to get voodoo cannons for 3000/3000 souls, congrats. But, getting souls that event was impossible.
    cheetah likes this.
  12. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Are the Admiral ships being notified on the sea? If so, how near to the map they spawn in do you need to be to see the notice? I ask because I haven't seen one yet, neither the ships themselves nor the notification.
  13. -Trinity-

    -Trinity- Forum Greenhorn

    The payout from the event ships a great and the chests are not that bad. This is a decent event
    cheetah likes this.
  14. ~AVIT~

    ~AVIT~ Someday Author

    b great event if had ammo in market
  15. cheetah

    cheetah Forum Apprentice

    this "mini event" is better then alot of the real week long events done in the past few months... things should be more like this more often
  16. theSmilingDevil

    theSmilingDevil Someday Author

    nice event.... but we still need event keys in market!
  17. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Agreed 100%!!!:)
  18. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert


    -PIRANHAHUNTER- Forum Apprentice

    good event,but without ammo or keys in market most ships wont be able to compete :(
  20. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    I doubt it was impossible for all the people, who exploit bots to sail all night long and shot eggs, of which there are rather many nowadays (even many of the "big" players), since nothing is done about it.

    But--for the rest of us--you are right.
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