glitter doubler

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by blindluck, Jun 17, 2017.

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  1. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    heres a little maths,,if i sail around picking up glitters ,getting 3 and 5 mojos from them,without the x2 doubler ,,with it shouldnt i be getting 6 and 10,,not 5 and 7 which is what is given after doubler is bought,

    that is not double,,what am i missing here,
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2017
  2. ·єviłωαყѕ·

    ·єviłωαყѕ· Board Analyst

    German math is never in your favor with 5 to 7 and pearls is a joke, but a shinnies bot w/doubler and scroll bots running 24/7 you do the math why else you seeing so many and they don't care to stop them they just come up with more payment packs. got to try and sucker people into spending to keep game on.
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    The Glitter Doubler does not double the total reward, but infact doubles the base start reward. I.e. if you pick up a shiny which would give 3 Mojo, and you have Doubler you would then get 6. If you have Doubler and 10% More from Shinies because you are in your Guild Island map, then you get an extra 110%.. 3 + 110% = 6.3 (which is rounded up to 7).

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