new guild

Discussion in 'Help' started by VŔ|46, Jun 24, 2017.

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  1. VŔ|46

    VŔ|46 Forum Apprentice

    hi there im trying to make a new guild but when I go to safe haven I don't see the guild guy in there any more has he moved or am I doing something wrong to create my own guild , ive done it plenty of times befor,
    ENG 1
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker


    You are correct, the Guild Man has indeed been removed it seems like. However, you can create a Guild by using the shortcut icon at the top of your screen.
    1. Go to Social (two hands shaking)
    2. Go down to Guild (the shield)
    3. Click Guild Search (magnifying glass icon)
    4. Then on the opening window, at the top click "Create Guild"
    This can be shown for you below in the following image:


  3. VŔ|46

    VŔ|46 Forum Apprentice

    ty arky
  4. VŔ|46

    VŔ|46 Forum Apprentice

    funny thing is now ive done all that it comes up in error says I need to leave the guild I'm currently in, ive not been in a guild for weeks
  5. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    That is very strange.

    You are filling in all information, have the 300,000 Gold, and have not been in a guild for 24 hours? If you have done all that, I suggest you write to support and describe your problem to them. They shall then be able to help you out :)

  6. Have your queries been answered?
  7. VŔ|46

    VŔ|46 Forum Apprentice

    yes sort of ty I will need to write to support then ive not been in a guild for around 3 weeks now and I have more than enough gold onboard to make a guild
  8. VŔ|46

    VŔ|46 Forum Apprentice

    post may be closed ty
  9. As per op request

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