75 skills

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by timarpaul1, Jun 30, 2017.

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  1. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    i think its time for 75 skills
    Zoba-Fighterdog likes this.
  2. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    Is this a suggestion or a demand :p
  3. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    ita a demand sugestion:)
    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ likes this.
  4. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan


    You should be careful what you wish for as i hear castles are on the horizon ;)
  5. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    omg again timmy lol ,,whats next the free cannons demand !! followed by free gems ,:eek::rolleyes:
    4x4x4 likes this.
  6. 4x4x4

    4x4x4 Regular

    The "free" line forms right behind me. lmao :rolleyes:
  7. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Id like 75, or maybe even 80! Plus a whole new Skill Branch I think :)

  8. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Board Analyst

    Some of us have a life beside sf!Making money...one step at time!Maybe get a life? ;)
    Boffens. likes this.
  9. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Board Analyst

    One day SF will not be here...what you will do then?:D
  10. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    75 or 80 skills will make us make perls more faster
  11. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    greedy farmer
  12. 4x4x4

    4x4x4 Regular

    What the hey, just bump it up to 100. The # change wont mean nothing to me, still working on the first 50. lolol
  13. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    Not yet, lol. Or else reduce the Crystal cost per new Skill Point. :)
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