Elite points and there relevance to the game?

Discussion in 'Help' started by _-Lawrence-_, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. _-Lawrence-_

    _-Lawrence-_ Forum Apprentice

    Hi, Just a quick question, I was wondering what relevance elite points have to the game anymore, they used to be required for elite levels and now that doesn't really seem the case when you get skins by how many battlepoints you have (at least I think you do?) so the real question I have here is big point going to do some updates to make elite points relative to the game, more elite skins? at the moment I don't see what they actually do for you and I think they don't play a big part in the game anymore, it was nice to grind them out knowing you were going to get something from them but now it just seems like dead and outdated content that needs to be revitalized, thanks.
  2. piranhahunter

    piranhahunter Forum Expert

    helllooo i might be a noob lmao but the elp is now used for leauge hall,your elp ammount gets you coins which u can use for buying objects there,mostly useless for big ships lol unless you are going for the top 100 ranking then the rewards are awesome
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    As stated above, Elite Points are now used for 2 reasons:
    • League - Requirement to Promote Leagues, and for League Ranking Positions
    • Pirate Rank - ELP is still used in the calculation to determine your Pirate Rank (badge on the left side of your ship)
  4. As this has been answered

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