New ammo or change hollows

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by 4x4x4, Jul 2, 2017.

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  1. 4x4x4

    4x4x4 Regular

    I think its about time and long overdo to either increase the dmg of hollows or add an already existing ammo to be bought for gold. something inbetween the 20 dmg of hollows and the lowest pearl ammo. Just a thought for the little (me, lol) boats out there to help them do their tests and quest. Just a thought that will just be lost at sea. lolol
  2. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    4x4x4, it has been suggested by many including myself that the ammunition values be changed because of the newest cannons being and developed since a few years ago. I do agree that the "hollows" values be changed dependent on the cannons used. I'm sorry I don't remember which thread it was originally posted but it's here somewhere.
  3. 4x4x4

    4x4x4 Regular

    Since hollows do 20 dmg and the next higher one is 60 dmg, I think, make hollows 35 or 40 dmg. Split the difference.
  4. LeaKed

    LeaKed Forum Apprentice

    Yea Bots need better ammo. Hollows ain't cutting it.
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  5. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Hollows are absolutely fine how they are. They cost next to nothing and so they don't do so much damage... I don't feel that there is any need at all to buff them because they hit hard enough. Theyre not there for fighting, they are there to farm for free essentially. I am not sure who remembers way back when hollows did 1.2k damage? When you had to have a stack of ships to sink an Admiral Lucia with hollows... Youre doing about 10x that now, and take admirals alone with Hollows if you wanted to and youre not happy? The NPCs have not got any harder at all, they have only got easier and easier over time because they never scaled with new ship improvements. I see no need to update the hollows at all.
  6. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    I have to disagree as well I am afraid.

    To begin with, why is it that hollows do only 20 damage and the next elite ammo is 60? Why not split the difference? Well in my opinion you have to look at the two currencies being used. Gold has always been more readily available and easier to earn/gifted than Pearls, even more so in recent years. If they were to make an ammo which has a closer damage value to that of Elite ammo, then you will find a lot of players won't use elite ammo. Why use elite ammo and make maybe 20% profit, when gold ammo could be used to make 100% profit?

    I also agree with Destruction in the fact that NPCs, by majority are easier to sink now with Gold Ammo than previously. Cancer scrolls can be done within 4 hours with Hollows. Yes, I do admit that the newly created NPCs, such as the Commonwealth NPCs, are a lot harder to sink with hollows, however even that can be done if you have the Commonwealth Guardian equipped on your ship.

    Destruction likes this.
  7. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Great minds think alike aye?
  8. Pahl

    Pahl Forum Apprentice

    How do i get that commonwealth crews?
  9. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    If you are level 21+ you shall be able to get them from boarding nearly every NPC.
    If you are level 17-20, you will need Crowns which can sometimes be purchased, and then you can purchase the Level 1 Crew from 17/1 Safe Haven at Oswald Murray.
    If you are level 16 or below, there is no way to get these Crew Members unless they are available in Payment Packs / VIP Markets.

  10. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    I believe in the VIP markets you must be Level 21 to be able to see them. On the VIP market just gone people who were level 20 and below were saying they couldnt see them
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