VCMA Revenge II

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by TãñK™, Jul 16, 2017.

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  1. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    500 boats need to be sunk to spawn this i think it should be lowered to 300 like the emp in 26 maps i mean 500 is alot to sink when you need a cap from it its take so long to pop it and to many people come to hit it
  2. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    nvm that is to hard to capture or so but its not sure if you get the item i see 1 player from my guild thats still has the test open and he have captured the Revenge II over 10 times and no item
  3. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    thats why i said i think they need to lower the boats that need to be sunk so we can really get a quest done its to much
  4. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    I'd have to agree. Each player needs 2 Revenge IIs on the path to level 30. They need to board one for a Level 28 quest and then also need another for the test towards Level 29. This is 1000 Renown II for each player (assuming 1 player per Revenge II gets the item). That's 600 million damage per player just to level up... I appreciate that they made the Level 29 test easier by adding the chance for the item in last shot and most damage but I do still feel that it should be amended to 300 just like the Tyrannous and Imperious.
  5. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    I dissagree.

    If you want Revenge 2 to spawn, go shoot Renown 2, if you find it still rare, call upon your guild mates, shoot renown 2 together, and if you still think spawn rate is stupid, well. It's not supposed to be EASY to get past 28 (hell, even untill lvl 26 is tough with crowns) What is point of the game, if it's not challenging?

    I made my quests and tests being stubborn, and ofcourse a bit of luck. I play on a crowded server (i belive so) Mega europe 5, and made it without problem.
  6. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    This is the differenc. On crowded servers there are more of these spawning, especially at the beginning when everybody was trying to do their tests and quests. I however play on a very quiet server. If you want the Revenge 2 then 2/3 times youll be the only one shooting all 500 of them, just for somebody to see the spawn and take it from you. On crowded servers its easy but on dead servers where its 1 Revenge 2 every 2 days its really really difficult now.
  7. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Being a player who plays both a crowded server (Mega America) and a quiet server (England 1), and having done this test 3 times (so needed 6 Revenge IIs at a minimum). I can tell you it is by no means easier on a larger population server. Players still would not shoot the Renown IIs, and each time I had to spawn mine I would have to shoot Renown IIs for about 2 hours to spawn the Revenge II. This is the same on both servers. It is in fact made harder on a larger server as every is just waiting for the spawn, and you have to compete against more players for the Boarding, or it gets shot down a lot faster and if you are unlucky you won't find it until it has been boarded. With that said, I have completed my test within 24 hours of starting it every time I have attempted it (on both servers). Is the test hard? Not really. It is just time consuming and requires some effort. I personally see no issue with it being reduced to 300, however I also don't see a huge difference if it was to stay at 500.

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