damage from event npcs

Discussion in 'Help' started by -masterjedi-, Aug 5, 2017.

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  1. -masterjedi-

    -masterjedi- Junior Expert

    just curious is there a gem that can reduce damage from npcs by like 80 or 90 percent?.getting shot for 180k by an event ship while many others getting hit for 20-30 k.something seems not right about that.
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    There are multiple things which you can use to decrease the damage from these Event NPCs.

    The most effective way is by using as much Damage Prevention as you can; for instance Damage Prevention on the Pet, and the 5% Armor Special Gem for the Ship Gems.

    If you are level 21+ using the Commonwealth Guardian is a good plan, as it increases your Dodge against NPCs (50% - 70% depending on the level). Also, Lion Bulkwards are another good item to use, which is another 50% NPC Dodge.

    If you have a friend who is willing to use a Brothers in Arms on you, thats another 5% Damage Prevention which shall help.

  3. -masterjedi-

    -masterjedi- Junior Expert

    yeah i get that i will try the guardian and see what the reduction is. hard to imagine a ship that is not at least a level 21 having that damage reduction? again maybe im missing something.
  4. As answered this post will be closed.

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