Castles upgrade

Discussion in 'Help' started by _RATTY_., Aug 29, 2017.

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  1. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    ok now there is something wrong here
    i upgraded my reload castle bk to lvl 7 as it was since this morning and from 2.83 reload time i am now at 3.07 reload time
    Is this normal to be so ???
    BlindBullet and Lostsail like this.
  2. .A~R~K~Y.

    .A~R~K~Y. Forum Greenhorn

    This is correct as the value of the castle has changed from -2.6 seconds to -2.2 seconds.

  3. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    so this means my shooting rate increased or decreased i am confused!
  4. No_Mercy

    No_Mercy Junior Expert

    your shooting rate has decreased yes(you shoot slower), but so has the rest of the server.
  5. .A~R~K~Y.

    .A~R~K~Y. Forum Greenhorn

    _RATTY_. likes this.
  6. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    ok ty 4 info arky
  7. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Hi Ratty,

    This can be a confusing one. Even though an "increase" sounds like a benefit in most cases, an increase in reload time is actually bad. Increasing the time it takes to shoot would mean you would get less shots in the same time. Players frequently use "reload time" as "fire rate", so the literal and implied meanings are actually different.
    _RATTY_. likes this.
  8. HERNANDEZ-5461

    HERNANDEZ-5461 Forum Apprentice

    so everybody reload castle 7/7 went down 4/7 is that right
    Lostsail likes this.
  9. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    Yes and you were refunded the same pearls so if you want you can simply repurchase to level 7 albeit the your total reload time will be longer than the old castles, or await castle days and save a little pearls

    The only other castle I know that was refunded down levels was Telescope. their will probably be others thou

  10. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Harpoon Loader and Iron Harpoons I believe.

  11. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Exactly, so everyne who farms pearls will now make less pearls in the time that they have to play, it also means in fights that there is more time for players Rockets, dragonfires to reload.

    This is just a scam for us to use more items in fights, and for us to make pearls slower, Thanks BP, somoene hand me the lube.
    Lostsail likes this.
  12. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Mate... Its a like 1/10th of a second...
  13. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

  14. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    And your point? I still paid pearls to shoot slower than i did before update.
    Lostsail and frankthetank1974 like this.
  15. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Well if you do not like it, you have the option to leave your Cannon Loader at Level 4 which they would have refunded you back to. That is no slower than the previous Level 4 Cannon Loader castle so that seems like the best option for you.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
  16. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Why would you ever think that keeping my cannon loader at lvl4 would be best option when i previously had a lvl 7?

    Maybe you are ok with spending more pearls to make your ship slower but I am not.

    You have no valid argument against this, you might be ok with spending more to have less, that is not the case with me.
    Lostsail likes this.
  17. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    I've actually gained extra speed from the Level 8 Sternpost and Centreboard!

    Look, at the end of the day I understand the frustration but the difference is so small that it is really not worth all the fuss. It makes no difference in PvP aside from the extra time to charge rockets and amulets, and on the PvE side its about 3.5% increase in how long it takes to sink an NPC. BigPoint have done this to make the upgrades more linear as each level now increases the reload speed by the same margin. Previously the jump from Level 5 to 6 was 5x the jump from Level 6 to 7. (2.0 > 2.5 > 2.6 seconds off), but now it is even for each level. In a couple of weeks time you won't even remember.
  18. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Im not concerned with the other castles, but the reloader is a sham, i actually paid to shoot slower, this is in my opinion unacceptable.

    I am predominately a farmer, i just paid pearls to shoot slower on npc, which means i now make pearls slower than before. Crazy!!.
  19. justdie

    justdie Advanced

    have to upgrade to lvl 8 to have slower time than old level 7 is it so hard for you to understand? its a rip off, you should get B.P's stuff out your mouth you're sucking on it a bit to hard now.
    Destruction and frankthetank1974 like this.
  20. As this has been answered

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