Premium Removed???

Discussion in 'Help' started by Daboyzz!, Sep 10, 2017.

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  1. Daboyzz!

    Daboyzz! Junior Expert

    What gives? I had premium from a chest or cauldron. I log in today and it says in logbook premium removed? Can't contact support as that feature not working. WOW!

    2017-09-10 08:01:25
    System debit: 1 x Premium Advantages. Reason: Reversal
  2. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    not sure about the premium..BUT as far as i understand ,your msg to support ,,they got,,even if it said it did not get sent,,good luck Pirate
  3. Wait a day or two for a response. Please don't send multiple tickets. Let me know what happens. I can always forward this.
  4. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    maybe its been the alotted time, you get that log book msg when your (doubler,loyality,discount,premium ) expire.i havent noticed any issues with premiums yet,
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