
Discussion in 'Help' started by blindluck, Sep 13, 2017.

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  1. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    Have a quick question,,Does the harrowstorm have a skin to be one?/
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    You have the chance to win the Level 3 Amaterasu Design or the Level 5 Behemoth Design with last shot, and I believe most damage.

  3. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    thanks Arky,,i heard the Level 3 Amaterasu Design is an old sun map skin,,is that the case ?,,thanks again
  4. -Dragonsabre-

    -Dragonsabre- Someday Author

    I also want to know where and how to get level 1,2,3 amaterasu design and level 1,2,3,4,5 behemoth design respectively in each level.
  5. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    behemoth design can be won out of behemoth maps level 16 and above,,and ill assume the amaterasu design is from the sunmap,,level15 lower.
  6. -Dragonsabre-

    -Dragonsabre- Someday Author

    so for amaterasu design, is it shooting the amaterasu in sun map or those small ship? other than that, is it count for last hit, most damage or certain number of ship kills?
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