New player need treasure map info.

Discussion in 'Help' started by Phatcloud, Nov 12, 2017.

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  1. Phatcloud

    Phatcloud Forum Greenhorn

    Hey, Phatcloud here. I am a new player, and I wonder how the "Map" system works.
    Can you play them multiplayer with friends or is this solo-content?
    Can you leave during the waves and comeback or are you locked in there until you die or win?
    If you have anything else to add that is general knowledge please do, I want to know as much as possible :)

    Thank you in advance!
  2. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    you play single in scrolls and if you leave during a wave next time you join its the wave you left on .
    dropedship likes this.
  3. Phatcloud

    Phatcloud Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you! Any tips to progress in them? I got 115 cannons 80% 50-cannons!
  4. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    Hi m8,

    i reccomand you to read Seafight bible .
    You find there allmost all infos u need to play this game.

    ᏕȊƝ⚡️ƁᎪᎠ likes this.
  5. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    maybe try range them or split them up so your been hit by one at a time ;)
  6. Phatcloud

    Phatcloud Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you for your answer!
  7. Lady.Wolf

    Lady.Wolf Active Author

    And welcome to SF!
  8. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    Doing scrolls will vary from one player to the next, there is no correct way, however, some strategy on your part will be required for example, hit the lower HP NPC first just to get them out of the way and because they are more numerous than the higher HP ships, another strategy is, you might want to try to shoot and move as to keep the longer ranging ships from hitting you. The more difficult the scroll map is, the more you need to repair, but, before you move off to repair, try moving your ship to a corner and have the NPC follow you and then scoot down to the opposite corner using pumpkin power or swift stones and then begin your repairs. Although it hasn't been proven yet as to the end rewards are concerned because they are random from player to player, but I do recommend that once you start, do each wave until finished.
    Destruction likes this.
  9. BlueStreak

    BlueStreak User

    Hello,have these responses answered your questions?
  10. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    @Phatcloud Welcome to the game my friend.

    Scrolls are a great way to get used to your cannon range. Scrolls will give you the same rewards whether you complete them in 10 minutes with elite ammunition or over the course of a week with Hollow Ammunition. This means that they are really non-competitive and you can really do them however you want.

    For lower level players like yourself I would suggest moving a little across the map to try and spread the ships out so you are being hit by as few as possible. Some NPCs will outrange you so you can't always just have one shooting you, but this will help reduce your repairing time. If you find that you are needed to pull back and repair, which we all need to do at times, you can try and weaken a few ships to slow them down so that then the full HP ships reach you in the corner whilst repairing, some are behind and therefore not shooting you, giving you more time to weaken the NPCs.

    As you progress to higher teirs of the game however you will find that you can do 3-4 high waves of Cancer scrolls just sitting still with all the NPCs hitting you before you have to repair.

    So I would take my first bit of advice for now and just make sure you are making all the profit you can by ensuring you only use gold ammunition for your scrolls. It will be a long slog at your level, but one well worth it.

    Grand-mariner™ likes this.
  11. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    PS - Don't forget to turn off consumable items such as Black Powder and Shields etc in scrolls. The repair button is free, following this procedure allows you to build up a useful amount of powders and shields which are awarded from most scrolls to use on the open seas.
  12. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    I hope somebody at your level uses powders in scroll no!? You must have 10m+ haha! But for a new player I couldn't agree more!
  13. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Old habits die hard. I still knock off Powders and Shields in scrolls, you never know when this company may increase the cost of these vital items. Not a bad guess though, bud. 18.5 mill powders and 10.5 mill plates - ATM.:)
  14. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Should have guessed higher logically... I have 12.5m, you've done more scrolls and don't use powders in them... Educated guess would have been 17m but fair play lol
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