not gaining exp/elp

Discussion in 'Help' started by ♥§ea§♥, Dec 18, 2017.

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  1. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    I have played the bloodfin mini map alot today but my exp and elp points have not went up the numbers have stayed the same in my profile page all day.
  2. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand


    I'm not sure why this wouldn't not have gone up. Your ELP should rise with every shot you fire, assuming you are using elite cannonballs of any sort. The ELP in your profile however can be a little but bugged. It often required 2 F5s back to back for it to actually update, so give that a go. Aside from that I am unsure as to why you would not gain any unless you have been using Hollows and no Admiral Cannons.

  3. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    I relogged multiple times yesterday and even this morning and everything is still the same as it was yesterday. nothing that i shoot that gave elp or exp made mine go up. I only shot snowball and flares yesterday no hollows
  4. I will forward this. You should have at least received ELP from the ammo.
  5. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    thats what i thought but my numbers havent changed at all in 2 days that i know of for sure
  6. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    i just logged onto my boat and i went backwards on exp yesterday i was on 125 mill exp and now i am only 120 mill
  7. As this has been answered by support this post is now closed.

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