How do we get Winter Maps?

Discussion in 'Help' started by Shiny_Bot#27, Dec 23, 2017.

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  1. Shiny_Bot#27

    Shiny_Bot#27 Forum Apprentice


    How do we get the Winter Maps?

    Thank you!
  2. battle

    battle Someday Author

    by going back in time :rolleyes:
  3. Shiny_Bot#27

    Shiny_Bot#27 Forum Apprentice

    Hmmm! I did not see a Merlin's Time Machine in the Black Market for the event to obtain winter maps if that is the only way. That is unfortunate. Thank you!
  4. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    They were something you could win in the first Winter event years and years ago. They didn't expire them at the end (to their credit) although without their 'completion bonus prize', so some of us still have a few of them left (I'm on my last 2). At the time they were very hard to complete. It was when the top cannons were 50s and explosive ammo was the only pearl ammo. No skills or castles either and only about 100 or so cannons.
  5. Has this answered your query?
  6. Shiny_Bot#27

    Shiny_Bot#27 Forum Apprentice

    ManOverboard my question has been answered and you may now close this thread if you wish. Thank you everyone!
  7. Beorn

    Beorn User

    As per op request

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