Strange ships...

Discussion in 'Help' started by .Kenze., Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    When I shoot ships from ADA and other enemies,they suddenly accelerate high speed up to a corner and stay still.
    After some shooting they move to another corner...
    While they are being shot.....ship repairs same time,while being shot!!
    How is possible.? o_O:confused::eek:
    Other ships goes from being shot to have an unormal defensive!
    Ship hardly being damage and some even gets more vp/hp then one of my ships can damage.What the..?o_Oo_Oo_O
  2. HMS-Courageous

    HMS-Courageous Forum Apprentice

    Are they ships assigned to players or actual NPCs you are describing?
  3. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    This is part of the on-going bot issue that BigPoint is working to resolve. The player you were attacking would have been a bot user. When you attacked him, the bot would have picked this up and moved to the corner in an attempt to escape.

    Once it has been in the corner and is still being attacked it realises it must go somewhere else to avoid being attacked and so it moves to the next corner. This explains the movement.

    The HP would be raising because the bot has seen it was on low health from being attacked and was trying to repair. As your attacks were preventing this, it causes a repeating "loop" where the bot will continue to try and repair, meaning it ends up pressing the repair button 2-3 times per second and this is a little glitch, causing the player to actually repair. The VP should not be effected though unless you stopped shooting, they sat still, or they used amulets.

    I recommend you report this player to BigPoint.

  4. Des is right. Try to take screenshots or videos, get ID's, etc., and send to Support. Remember, when you send, you will receive an error message. Support will still receive your message.

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