Boarding Bonus Gems

Discussion in 'Help' started by kittystomper2, Dec 28, 2017.

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  1. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    Hello - I looked in the Bible in Gems but did not find a good description of each of the gems - could you tell me what is the advantage of the Boarding Bonus and how does it work (e.g. Is it only for capping)?

    Is there someplace where a detailed explanation for each exists?


  2. elipi

    elipi Forum Apprentice

    Yes,the Boarding Bonus GEM increases your Boarding Value,increasing it & allowing you to capture Admirals,such as Revenge,Triumph also Usurper & even Harrowstorm if your GEM level is high enough.
  3. Hi, Kittystomper

    Let's take a quick walk through.

    The Boarding Bonus gem works only for boarding enemy ships/NPC's; it does not provide any other benefits/buffs.

    Go to your Sea Chart, and click this Icon:


    On the next screen, look here:


    The Boarding Bonus Value determines whether you can board a certain NPC, or not.

    The Boarding Bonus, and Boarding Protection Values determine how successful you will be against another player.

    Pirate Type, Armor, and Weapons also effect your Boarding Bonus Value, and your Boarding Protection Value.

    The Commonwealth Guardian will also increase the amount of Pirates you can have on board.


    In the Topcastle, the Grappling Hook Module will increase your Boarding Protection.

    In the Crew Deck, the Night Shift Module will increase the amount of Pirates you can have on board.


    Brave Heart will increase your Boarding Protection.

    For a list of Boarding Values of NPC's:

    Has this answered your query?

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