
Discussion in 'Help' started by ġrëätförtünë, Jan 7, 2018.

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  1. ġrëätförtünë

    ġrëätförtünë Forum Apprentice

    I bought 250 event keys today, and they don't work on the chests. What is the issue with what I trying to do. Do they not work on the chests on the water now?
  2. abah2

    abah2 Active Author

    If they're event keys, you either have to wait until SeaFight has another event (and use them on those event chests) - or wait until they're exchanged for normal chest keys at the end of the next event. The latest event ended last Thursday and the event keys for that event were exchanged on Friday.
  3. ġrëätförtünë

    ġrëätförtünë Forum Apprentice

    Why would you be able to buy now, and not be able to use them now.
  4. abah2

    abah2 Active Author

    The keys you can use at any time cost 1500 pearls each (Market Cove: Elite Items). The event keys - when used on event chests - only cost 1000 pearls each (Market Cove: Black Market - usually open only during an event). Some of the items available in the event chests contain things that you can't get in regular chests. They're more event oriented. It's cheaper to buy some event keys during the event from the Black Market - but you can't use them on regular chests until they've been exchanged after the event ends.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
  5. hudsonbay

    hudsonbay Forum Apprentice

    they are selling the event keys in the payment section but they don't say what event they are for maybe a mod can tell us
  6. We are aware of this, and have already been reported to our department
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