Rewards for Not Botting?

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by capt.thomas, Feb 26, 2018.

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Rewards for (Not) Botting?

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  1. capt.thomas

    capt.thomas Someday Author

    I have been hearing alot about botting lately, and I have an idea for the problem.
    In addition to banning the bots, how about rewarding the legit players by giving them cannon slots, elite cannons, cool ship designs, or even just a badge that says "I'm not a bot".
    Like something that can't be obtained by botting.

    This might...
    a) Encourage people who are not botting not to bot to get rewards
    b) People won't quit beacuse of others botting when they get cool swag
    c) People who do bot might stop botting for rewards
    d) It also just rewards the legit players for not botting

    This may be silly idea, but an idea still.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
  2. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    I'm Spartacus!
  3. 人への電力

    人への電力 Forum Apprentice

    Why are you allowed to post in the forum?
    DeathWasHere likes this.
  4. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    it would be less work for BP to check every acct for cheats than it would to check every acct to see if it is clean and they don't do that
    Planters_Peanut and capt.thomas like this.
  5. capt.thomas

    capt.thomas Someday Author

    I see, thanks Loki162 for your input.
  6. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    If BP were to take a HARDLINE stance on botting, they need to follow the rules they set up in dealing with these people. I understand that they cannot at any time catch all of them but the manner in which they deal with them is outdated. Botting has been plagued this game for many years and in the past they have given them many chances to stop and slapping on those accounts a 7-10-30 day ban or complete expulsion from the game is not working. If a player is known to be botting or another player suspects a player to be botting then BP needs to investigate that player in a passive mode for which that player will not know about. The time for elimination is NOW, deleting an account/s that belong to the player shall be sticken from the game and the items on that ship be removed. There are many things that BP can do to a player or players that have circumvented the system and the only true way to start is by the complete removal of that ship once and for all.
    The items that a player/s may have on his ship/s that is removed could be placed into a holding tank and distributed among the thousands of players at the end of the year. This would be one way to recognize the players who have played fairly and would show the dishonest players that their days are truly numbered.
  7. Planters_Peanut

    Planters_Peanut Junior Expert

    I agree with the above comments. This is workable if they really devoted the resources into making this work. I was ready to spend money but what holds me back from spending the amount I used to is after this latest bot sweep I still see the obvious bots roaming including a few that have an obvious name as to it's programmed purpose and that is programmed to harp monsters 24/7. Good grief! What connections do these players have to the game that makes them immune to banned? Also, reading that the bans are for only 30 days? Seriously?

    Again what is stated above is workable. Please do more than what you have been doing. Bots are running now like nuts since they know the consequences are minimal and you lose players and income potential.
    Lil`Wolf, Lady.Wolf, *Wonder* and 2 others like this.
  8. rubenrs

    rubenrs Advanced

    There is a reward for not botting. It is the Wrath of Calypso Event. It is not a permanent boost like you guys propose but it is a good reward.
  9. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    1) The reward for not botting should be the allowance to continue playing regardless without any action taken.

    2 The reward for being caught botting should be a permanent ban, according to Bigpoint's own past statements.

    Anything else is rather pointless!
    Lil`Wolf, Lady.Wolf and capt.thomas like this.
  10. yes i agree that i should have been permanent ban but after who will keep playing this game ??? if you remember on 2015 they make a big ban wave and banned permanent thousands of ships and what happend after ? did it increase the Fair players on game ? no it didnt it just make the server worst as you needed to search a lot of maps to find a player to fight until they make the server merge to put more players on maps ... if they make a permanent ban again and they keep merging server there will come a time mmwhen will be only 1 server and then the game will die ....
  11. capt.thomas

    capt.thomas Someday Author

    I wasn't saying don't ban all bots.
    All that I was saying was reward the non-bots, to reward them for being legit.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
  12. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    It would be very nice, and I commend those of you that have played all this time legitimately. A lot of respect there.

    My issue here is that a large number of players that should have been banned for botting managed to slip under the radar. On UK I can think of more players that avoided the ban who should have been than those that got one. What's more is then these players think they're in the clear and have written in the forums about how they should be rewarded for being clean, when the moderators and players both know (without full proof however) that these players are pushing their luck.

    That isn't directed at you at all. I have not played with you so I couldn't comment there, just from my experience of the UK server.

  13. the-one-after

    the-one-after Someday Author

    completely agree with you i could name several players who managed to slip the banwave and now think they are clear to try get a bonus reward granted botting is wrong and those banned deserve it however it would also be wrong to give other players an advantage over them just because they got caught for example there was a post about bringing a level 5 doomhammer event and not bring it out for ages again or a 75 skill event although they are wrong it would also be unfair to give others a huge advantage
  14. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    I am aware of the post you mean, and this was actually the one I was referring to... Top 5 in EP
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  15. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    once a ship gets banned, the said duration becomes ( how long you have to buy it back $$$ ) all permy banned ships, go into a kind of refurbished market for $$. this gives new players another option, and bigpoint another chance for revenue. this would solve so many things, gives penilties to the cheats, but also gives them a buy out forgiveness, new players have another possibility from where / how they want to start. bigpoint gains more possible revenue, will help keep the ' bot paranoia up' which gets more players to question should i? or should i not use the bot.
    of coarse the accts will get trimmed a bit. lets say bonus maps removed if 1000's to 4v 4c 3s 1canc , maybe skill to 45 or 50, cannons all de-leveled.
  16. 77✰

    77✰ Forum Greenhorn

    Bot's still exist because BP is too soff on them. Right? If they just straight up perma banned every bot and cheat from the start people would be too scared to do it. But they just get a slap on the wrist and back at it again...
    Grand-mariner™ likes this.
  17. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    I don't think there is a single person on the game that disagrees that Bigpoint should have banned people from the start. It's just that now it's become such a wide-spread issue that it's very difficult for Bigpoint to track down all the bots and will also have too big an impact on the money they bring in from those players, it wouldn't be enough money left to sustain the game...
  18. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    Bots are illegal so BP says. So it should be a permanent ban for botters. BP can't be half in the bag and say botting is illegal then only give players a 1 month ban. I Mean come on what is that going to do? That makes them feel safe. Oh 1 month ban? Well all the months ive done of botting will make up for that. So they don't even care.

    BP needs to issue a warning, run a bot you get slapped with a permanent ban or account wiped. Then people will be fearful to bot. Until then every damn botter out there doesn't give a S*** about a month or two ban.
    We don't need any sorry excuses for botting, it's illegal and BP needs to inforce their rules to the fullest.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  19. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    and we need voodo cannons for perls like 50k perls/ cannon:))
  20. Destruction2

    Destruction2 Forum Apprentice

    Every post timar... haha!
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