
Discussion in 'Help' started by Pagan_Spirit, Mar 6, 2018.

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  1. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    I'm boarding Warrior and Renown and not getting any sellswords/officers... how many does it usually take to recieve one?

  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The exact figures are not known to us, however it is normally a common reward from boarding these NPCs. Personal experience, it can range from 1 to upwards of 10, depends on your luck.

    Has this resolved your query?

    Pagan_Spirit likes this.
  3. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    While I am content with you answer, can we (you) keep this thread open for a few days so other ppl. might give their exp too?
  4. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    I have moved this thread to the New Pirate Tutorials section of the forum so that this post can remain open for your fellow players input.

  5. Panthoneum

    Panthoneum Forum Apprentice

    Took me 3 tries to get guardian.
  6. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    i don't think it's a certain number of warriors that you board to receive a sellsword ,but more like luck. for example i did my crown quest from oswald murry last night and out of the 10 warriors i boarded i got 3 sellswords, but other times i get more or sometimes less. hope that makes sense. good luck m8.
    *KRUCHY* likes this.
  7. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    As mentioned above, as long as you have pirates and a boarding officer with the equipment for each pirate you should be able to board successfully and receive a sellsword 2 out of 3 times attempted.
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