A Controversial Post

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Destruction, Mar 7, 2018.

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  1. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Ahh some feedback! So by wiped clean, would that be stripping everything to bring the account back to a Level 1 account with no items? In which case, would this not be essentially the same as deleting/permanently banning the account in the sense that both methods would leave the player having to start fresh? Or would the wiping involve less? I'm not sure of the legal complications that would surround wiping or deleting an account as it would mean removing items that have been paid for. BigPoint legally own all accounts in existence which I believe would mean they can do as they please within the law, but I am not sure what impact the huge influx in complaints and requests to PayPal for their money back would have on this.


    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    A cheat is a cheat and to my knowledge seren all self-confessed cheats have had their accounts deleted.
  3. *Wonder*

    *Wonder* Advanced

    Des...There are two parts to an apology..The first being I AM SORRY the second IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AFGAIN... I still have not heard you say that...That is why I believe you will go back to botting. but will be a little more carefull so as not to get caught...Like all dishonest people getting caught is not going to happen....Bigpoint stated in one of its postings that bans would be permanent...this has not happened as a result I will not be spending any more money on this game andprobably not playing as much....
  4. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Accounts are generally banned, not deleted. To my knowledge accounts are only deleted if they have been inactive over a certain amount of time without premium membership as just a way of clearing a lot of inactives.

    Also, it depends on the cheat. There have been many people who have confessed to cheating and been given permanent bans, and many who have been given shorter bans. It generally depends on the nature of the cheating as well as if the player has been banned before. That said, there are players that have been banned countless times and are still around and others banned permanently on their first time.

  5. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Every mega many many players bought pearl packs, then used the pearls to get 55lbers so no, u cannot tell me people did not buy pearls.
  6. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    People did buy pearls, but not recently. I too remember the days where you could buy one big pearl pack on a mega and you'd be maxed out on cannons, and yes these days are definitely gone, but that is down to more than just bots. BigPoint is a company, they need to create money to profit. Therefore there comes a point where new content needs to be added in order to keep existing players spending. Once players got maxed out they had no need to spend anything, and when nobody is spending, nobody is getting paid. New content is therefore released and the new payment items and bots bounce off eachother and the two have snowballed into the mess of a game we now have.

    Loki162 likes this.
  7. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Hi Wonder,

    It is a shame that you feel this way and won't be spending on the game any more. I will ask however, with all due respect, what has been the reason for this change now? BigPoint have shown us that they are taking this seriously now and banning accounts. This is the first wave of bans and so it seems BigPoint have done this as an initial deterrent to show the botters that they are serious.

    With this said, why has this now caused you to lose faith? Is it because you feel the botters have been banned once and will now be in the clear? I can tell you for certain that there will be players currently banned who will continue when they are back and will shortly find themselves permanently banned for ignoring the warning. I can tell you though that I shan't be one of them. I can see BigPoint are taking action now and it would be foolish for anybody to continue botting once BigPoint have already proved they can catch you. Continuing would almost be screaming out for a permanent ban. Whether you believe that or not is up to you.

    "Being a bit more careful not to be caught" would be easier said than done as the tracking method they use analyses patterns in player movement and can match these patterns with those of the program we have been banned for. Turning the bot on for not even 5 minutes is still enough for BigPoint to prove it and take action accordingly.


    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    One of the biggest problems i have is this self confessed cheat has replied/posted and interacted with hundreds of ppl on forums and still does.
  9. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Hi Des - I wasn't making assertions that you would personally take part in corrupt banking actions, more to the point that the action of understanding fiddling could be very useful in you better understand the greedy banking sector, which has a demonstrable proven past track record of wrong doings and shall we say, 'inadequacies' to conduct themselves with honesty, integrity or transparency.

    It wasn't to say that you personally have ever or would take part in such dodgy dealings. It was meant to come across that you should easily understand how underhand tactics from your past dealings on such a trivial matter as a online game can be so damaging and disruptive to the cause which you seek to support. I am glad you are not offended, as no offence was intended.

    The problem with any thief or a cheat is once they have managed to gain such an unsavoury reputation no matter how trivial, everybody from all walks of life tarnishes them with the same old brush for what can seem like the rest of their lives. You can't blame honest people for not trusting cheats, this is a simple fact of life always has been and always will be. Your rebuttal of those old dishonest, illicit ways is a constructive step and is appreciated. Any ex -offender who turns good by changing their ways and starts to help the victim(s) is usually the most helpful source, as the ex-offenders best know the methods that can be utilised to combat such dodgy practices and try put right the harm they have caused. Seen where hackers for instance help the FBI or authorities who's system they have hacked into.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
    Lil`Wolf likes this.
  10. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    So, essentially you have a problem with me gathering feedback to help against the bot situation? That doesn't sound so much like the mindset of an active protester of the botting epidemic to me...

  11. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    what a joke, how are you going to help the bot situation?? You are the bot situation!!!!
  12. the-one-after

    the-one-after Someday Author

    i dont think you see the true issue i dont agree with what des has done but its very "brave" that he actually came fullward about this knowing that people would be like this towards him. as he said in his original post he isnt trying to get himself unbanned early he is trying to get it so that its not appealing for people to bot in the furture so when the bots are unbanned they dont go back to doing the same thing then we have the issue again, my guess is you will say if you permanently ban the bots then it will discourage them from botting again and yes it probably would but then you wouldnt have a game to play as i have mentioned all the bots would withdraw payments and get there money back they spent on their boats. now imagine all the bots you have seen sailing round and each player has spent an average of £1000 some will have spent more some will have spend less so all them players get there money back, are you prepared to spend almost tripple that just to keep the game running i know that if they permanently banned the bots on ms6 alone the game would shut down and dont forget there are 5 more mega servers
    Vlad#Tepes likes this.
  13. Vlad#Tepes

    Vlad#Tepes Forum Apprentice

    if you have nothing helpful to say stop talking. they are actually trying to fix the problem and des who is a self confessed botter is doing more here to help stop them than you are. if you hate bots so much stop sabotaging and flaming the forum thread that is trying to stop them
    Lil`Wolf likes this.
  14. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    BP can do 1 of 2 things.

    1) Make an announcement that anyone who is running a bot and gets caught, they will either be wiped or permanetly banned. So they now know the risk of botting and if they continue they will be removed from the game for good.

    2) Make bots legal because they are too scared to lose revenue from the bots who spend. The very same bots who are responsible for making a ton of non-botters quit. Thanks to all bots, you are the problem.

    #1 is the obvious choice, 2 i'd rather not see, Ever.
    Lil`Wolf likes this.
  15. easymoney1225

    easymoney1225 Forum Apprentice

    to my knowledge if u get caught cheating/use bots and get banned.if u ask for your money back bp would laugh at u.i know i would.bc they didnt make u run programs.u did u made that choice.as far as bp making money.even if all cheaters are gone they will still make money.so cry to someone who cares thank u
  16. easymoney1225

    easymoney1225 Forum Apprentice

    well if u check game rules u will see.also terms of service.meantions bots
  17. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Really is he now? He is a bot !!! He is actually adding to the problem, not doing anything to solve it!!!
    If he wants to help fix the problem, it would be a great start to not be a part of the problem.
    With that same analogy we should all help the problem of Drinking and Driving tonight by getting hammered and going for a drive!!!
    Make no sense does it???
    4x4x4 likes this.
  18. Corsair_Bill

    Corsair_Bill Forum Connoisseur

    (Sigh) Okay, so you think by making botting a legal thing here in the game, is this where some think the post is heading? Well, it won't work, I've seen what legalizing a bot in a game does first hand . . it makes players even more idle than before, it doesn't level the playing field cos those who were cheating before will only get further ahead of those starting out with the legal item.

    Since the new map system doesn't have near the shineys that the old maps had, using a doubler or the treasure map is completely useless now, which was mostly being used to a huge effect in the old maps.

    All legalizing a bot does is make crafting another bot more enticing, you said that I wasn't contributing to your op but acting like a sheep . . well, maybe I am, or maybe I've been down this script/bot issue long before I started playing this game and am simply tired of cheaters trying to make what they do legal.

    There is no real way to put it other than a script/bot program does more harm than good, it puts a strain on a server if it isn't in sync with one, the more people who use the same tool creates even more strain until the main program begins to lag, mostly cos the server is constantly trying to keep up with the additional activity of said script/bots. Let's not even begin to touch on the unfair advantage it puts against those who play the game as originally intended.

    Now, if as you say you have found a way to combat the script/bot issue, then stop trying to make it a discussion over the situation and spill the beans on the programmers who are writing them, this way BP can sue them in order to recover stolen income, which is really what bots do, gonna fade once more to the background and game, I already know folks won't like my post, or think it funny as hell, but it is my opinion and personal observations that I'm remarking on . .
    Lil`Wolf and Loki1621 like this.
  19. Sea-Sea

    Sea-Sea Forum Inhabitant

    As a minimum, besides a temporary 6 months ban, all items that are achievable by pearls should be removed from the cheaters account when caught first time, such as ammo, boosters, action items etc. Only items that can only by bought on payment should remain on the boat. Also all boosters should be removed as these are achievable via Aruba, so bye bye several years of voodoo deck, extra damage, extra HP etc. And also Voodoo Priest lvl 4 and Queens Legacy should be removed as these can be obtained in chests bought with bot pearls.

    Have any pearls/items/boosters been removed from your ship Des?
    Lil`Wolf likes this.
  20. the-one-after

    the-one-after Someday Author

    He won’t know due to the fact all bots are banned until the 23rd but my opinion let them keep the pearls after a certain point they are useless anyway my opinion bp did this as a warning if you are caught on a second offence then delete the account I know most people only feel this is a slap on the wrist but I wouldn’t want to see what would happen to the game if they just permanently banned people this time
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